The Masterclass Series: Key Takeaways Of The Year

The Masterclass Series: Key Takeaways Of The Year

Pamela Newenham

Pamela Newenham

Marketing Manager

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The Masterclass Series: Key Takeaways Of The Year

As global temperatures continue to rise and extreme weather conditions contribute towards the cascade of heatwaves, famines, wildfires, and droughts across the planet, you would be forgiven for thinking 2022 was a loss in the battle to reduce climate change.

Here at CoolPlanet, we believe you win, or you learn, and as the festive season delivers us a slice of Christmas cheer, a sliver of Christmas hope, and a serving of overpriced electricity bills for all those twinkling Christmas lights, we look forward to a new year full of tranquillity, from the strides made in sustainability.

Mastering Sustainability & Decarbonisation

While Santa Clause avoids sooty chimneys in order to keep his Carbon footprint down, and the cold festive season entices many to Tinsulate their houses (ok, enough of the climate jokes, they’re just not sustainable) CoolPlanet has spent the year giving away one of the greatest gifts of all, knowledge. Our Masterclasses have seen experts in their field discuss, educate and entertain the public through a series of monthly webinars dealing with subjects such as -

Designing Engineering Projects for Decarbonisation

Demand Response Commercial Buildings

How to get to Net Zero quicker with digitalisation

How to increase productivity and reduce energy in Manufacturing

How to drive value from your data

How to achieve Net Zero in Medical Device Manufacturing

Operating woes in oilseeds processing & how to fix them

Energy management innovations in the Food & Beverage Industry

The Masterclass series is a unique tool that helps inform viewers about the world of sustainability and decarbonisation in 30 to 60-minute videos, and this kind of content has never been needed so greatly. Along with the aforementioned detrimental effects due to climate change, the conflict in Ukraine has only made the global energy crisis worse, and COP 27 failed to achieve immediate, science-based action to reduce emissions. A growing push for climate action has also been observed this year, with consumers demanding a more ethical uptake from businesses. The need to put an end to fossil fuel use once and for all and invest in a clean future is becoming more urgent as we look into the precipice of 2023.

Unfortunately, climate action cannot wait until these crises pass. The good news is that investments made to ensure a climate-safe future will also shield people from price increases and produce millions of good, green employment. We can create and produce far less pollution by investing in renovating commercial buildings, utilising solar power rather than fossil gas-powered electricity, and working on initiatives such as the electrification of heat, HVAC optimisation, commercial battery storage , and electric vehicle chargers… basically, everything we do here at CoolPlanet.

From CEOs to CFOs, and Engineering Managers to Site Leads, both big and small businesses have never been in such need of information to help them on their decarbonisation journey. So, let’s take a look at some of the most popular moments from our Masterclass series.

A Deep Dive Into Industrial Heat Pumps

Our Deep Dive into Industrial Heat Pumps Masterclass was as popular as… well, heat pumps. The buzzword of 2022 in the world of decarbonisation and reducing energy costs was one of our most viewed Masterclasses to date. Many factories have requirements for cooling especially in the food and beverage industries, and refrigeration can be up to 70% of the electricity requirements of these plants.

We explored how heat pumps save money because the heat can be recovered from waste energy into useful heat energy, this heat would generally be rejected to the atmosphere, thus increasing atmospheric temperatures. This energy can then be used to heat hot water, space heating, or even within the process of preheating materials. What’s not to like?

Actionable Steps for Decarbonisation

We believe in less talk, and more action, but without real-life instructionals, this concept can be daunting and difficult to follow. Step on up Actionable Steps for Decarbonisation . Throughout this Masterclass, we covered topics such as; why calculating your emission is paramount, how to set specific targets, and finally when to execute a flawless plan.

The smoke and mirrors of decarbonisation were smashed and cleared, showing a lot of solutions that claim to be 100% Renewable/Green are actually still generating emissions, and how important it is to journal all forms of fossil fuel use, especially for scopes 1 and 2.

Planning every reduction involves understanding what steps you can take and what the impact will be on your emissions. Some steps will be small, some large. There is no point making pledges like “Net Zero by 2030” unless you can back it up with a decarbonisation roadmap that gets you there.

The Masterclass ended on a positive note, showing much of the activity around decarbonisation generates its own rewards. The rise of energy prices has shortened the return on investment times for many projects. Prices for solar panels and the performance of heat pumps have improved to the point where they have become more practical, and energy grant funding is available at many stages of the decarbonisation process: from Design to Implementation.

What’s Next?

In the end, knowledge truly is power in the ever-changing world of decarbonisation and sustainability. We will continue to educate and inform through our Masterclass series, providing in-depth and entertaining content that can help your business in both the short and long term.

Making sure your firm is energy efficient should be one of your top objectives, and it is a duty that every significant organisation must keep. We at CoolPlanet can assist you in beginning the process of reducing your emissions and energy consumption. If your business uses a lot of energy, it's critical that you use it wisely.